Director: The Barber Brothers
Starring: Nathaniel Barber, Breanne Solis, and Damian Harris
Screenwriter: Nathaniel Barber
Cinematography: Matthew Barber
Music by: Juan Carlos Enriquez
Genre: Horror
In the fall of 1978, a distraught commuter travels down a haunted country road only to discover that its inhabitants have other plans.
The inception of “Go Back” began with the idea of producing a modern horror film that would serve as a cautionary tale similar to classic works such as Hansel and Gretel.
Go Back’s purpose is first and foremost to entertain its audience. On a deeper level, it is meant to convey that we never know how much time we have left. In the film, the protagonist flees rather than returning to his girlfriend and addressing their relationship issues. Along his journey, he is given multiple signs and opportunities to “go back”. However, he continues to ignore the warnings like we often do. Once he finally decides to heed the warnings and “go back”, it is revealed that it is too late.
Visually this picture was greatly influenced by the works of John Carpenter and Sam Raimi. We were also inspired by the 1970s television show Starsky & Hutch which provided insight on acting styles, camera techniques and use of color in 1970s media which is when our story takes place.
Our ultimate hope is that people enjoy our little story and perhaps leave thinking about the tale they just witnessed. And if the audience is enthralled by the character driven aspect of the story, hopefully, it will make the film that much scarier. - Nathaniel Barber and Matthew Barber
JUNE 17: Go Back's *WORLD PREMIERE* was at the prestigious Cinepocalypse Genre Film Festival. The film was screened at the beautiful Music Box Theatre in Chicago, IL and played alongside the feature film The Lurker (2019).
AUGUST 12: Go Back had its *East Coast Premiere* at Popcorn Frights! The film was screened at 7:30 PM at Savor Cinema in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and was paired with the feature film Girl on the Third Floor! Go Back was also voted the Runner-Up for the Audience Award for Best Short Film!
SEPTEMBER 13: Go Back's *Georgia Premiere* will be at Atlanta Horror Film Festival! The film will be screened at 9:30 PM during Shorts Block Five - A Real Creeper. Also the film plays on Friday the 13th!
OCTOBER 5: Go Back was screened at the Brigadoon Section at SITGES Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya! This was Go Back's *European Premiere*!
OCTOBER 12: Go Back's *Australia Premiere* was held at Monster Fest! The film was screened during shorts block Something Wicked This Way Comes at 12:45 PM at Cinema Nova!
OCTOBER 18: Go Back's *West Coast Premiere* was screened during the first ever quarterly event of short films for Horrible Imaginings Film Festival called Horrible Imaginings Presents: CAMPFIRE TALES in Santa Ana, CA.
OCTOBER 27: Go Back's *Northeast Premiere* was at FEARnyc! The short was paired with feature film Red Letters which played at 4:00 PM at Film Noir Cinema in Brooklyn, NY!
NOVEMBER 8: Go Back's *Mexico Premiere* was held at STUFF MX Film Festival at 4:30 PM! Go Back also went on to win Best International Short Film!
DECEMBER 6: Go Back's *Washington Premiere* was held at PDXtreme Film Fest! The film was screened at the historic Kiggins Theatre at 10 PM!
JANUARY 11: Go Back screened at the 2019 Spotlight Film Awards in Atlanta, GA! The film won the Spotlight Platinum Award!
JANUARY 25: Go Back's *Missouri Premiere* screened at the stunning Screenland Armour theater at Panic Fest! Go Back played with Shorts Block 2 at 12:45 PM.
FEBRUARY 14: Go Back's *Oklahoma Premiere* was held at Monsters of Horror International Film Festival in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino at 8 PM during Shorts Block B.
APRIL 25: Go Back's *Canada Premiere* was held at Cabane A Sang!
MAY 22-25: Go Back's *Tennessee Premiere* was held at Chattanooga Film Festival!
JULY 17: Go Back's *Barcelona Premiere* was held at InFest short Film Festival!
AUGUST 25-30: Go Back screened at Macabro: Mexico City International Film Festival!
AUGUST 27-30: Go Back's *Norway Premiere* was held at Ravenheart International Film Festival!
SEPTEMBER 1: Go Back became an official selection at Sin City Horror Fest!
SEPTEMBER 4: Go Back screened at Cinematic Panic!
SEPTEMBER 5: Go Back's *Virginia Premiere* was held at GenreBlast Film Fest!
SEPTEMBER 18: Go Back screens at Crypticon Seattle Horror Film Festival!
OCTOBER 2: Go Back's *Texas Premiere* was held at 8PM during Deep in the Heart Film Festival's virtual event!
OCTOBER 16: Go Back's *Nova Scotia Premiere* was held at Hellifax Horror Fest!
NOVEMBER 1: Go Back screened at Reel Horror Fest in Lombard, IL!
NOVEMBER 14: Go Back's *UK Premiere* was held at Dead And SudBuried Reborn: Horrorthon at Home!
NOVEMBER 15: Go Back became an official selection at Lit Scares International Horror Festival!
FEBRUARY 2-15: Go Back will be screening at Texas Terrors Film Festival's Virtual Event!
MAY 27: Go Back's *Utah Premiere* was held at FilmQuest! The short screened at 8pm virtually and in-person!
JULY 10: Go Back screened at The Midsummer Scream Screaming Room Film Festival! The short played at 2:40pm during the "Happy Halloween" shorts Block at The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, Ca!
October 16th: Go Back screened at The HB Film Festival at 12pm!
October 27th: Go Back screened at Shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfest!
Awards & Accolades
Audience Award Runner-Up for Best Short Film
Popcorn Frights Film Festival
Bronze Remi Award
WorldFest - Houston International Film and Video Festival
Best International Short Film
STUFF MX Film Festival
Spotlight Platinum Award
Spotlight Film Awards at Atlanta Film Series/ Atlanta Horror Film Festival
Best Horror Short
GenreBlast Film Festival
HorrorHound Weekend Film Festival
Horror Geek Life - https://www.horrorgeeklife.com/2019/10/28/fearnyc-review-go-back-is-a-truly-frightening-short-film/
HorrorBuzz.com - https://horrorbuzz.com/2020/01/26/go-back-the-perfect-horror-amuse-bouche-panic-fest-2020/
Gayly Dreadful - https://www.gaylydreadful.com/blog/chattanooga-film-festival-cff-2020-review-the-dangeous-visions-shorts-block-is-full-of-awesome
Bloody Flicks - https://bloody-flicks.co.uk/2019/07/06/go-back-review/
HorrO's Gory Reviews - https://horrosgoryreviews.blogspot.com/2019/08/go-back-review.html?spref=tw&m=1

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