Director: The Barber Brothers
Starring: Breanne Solis and Jeff Jensen
Screenwriter: Nathaniel Barber
Cinematography: Matthew Barber
Music by: Juan Carlos Enriquez
Genre: Horror
Tagline: Don't Bother Screaming!
Logline: A young woman awaits the return of her boyfriend at a secluded cabin only to discover that she may in fact not be alone.
The inception of “No One Is Coming” began one night while writer, Nathaniel Barber, was staying in a cabin while shooting a horror short when it occurred to him what would happen if someone walked up the deck to the cabin and tried to force themselves inside.
The goal behind No One Is Coming is to tell an old-fashioned ghost story. On a thematic level, it explores a character that is forced to discover her own inner strength. In the end, the film is about how a person faced against an impossible obstacle is more capable of overcoming such a feat than they might have thought possible.
The picture is visually influenced by the works of John Carpenter and eighties horror movies. The appearance of the antagonist is greatly inspired by Werewolf of London (1935). We also attempted to imitate the visual style and editing of eighties horror films.
Our ultimate hope is that the picture engages the audience through its creepy sequences and the progression of the protagonist’s development. And if we’re lucky, it will leave the audience with a fair amount of goosebumps.
August 14: No One Is Coming *World Premiere* was held at Popcorn Frights Drive-In Horrorshow and was screened to a sold-out audience! The short was paired with feature film Random Acts of Violence!
September 1-7: No One Is Coming screened at Horrible Imaginings Film Festival Virtual Event during shorts block "People Behaving Badly"!
October 3: No One Is Coming screened at Halloween International Film Festival's Virtual Event during the "Halloween Block" at 9PM!
October 15: No One Is Coming screened at iHorror Film Festival's virtual event!
October 17: No One Is Coming screened at Atlanta Horror Film Festival for its *Georgia Premiere*! The short plays at 7:30 PM during shorts block Creepin' Me Out! The Barber Brothers went on to win Best Filmmaker Duo for No One Is Coming!
October 17: No One Is Coming screened at Mayhem Film Festival for its *UK Premiere*! The short film showcase contained 13 films and started at 8:30 PM.
October 24: No One Is Coming screened at Terror In The Bay Film Festival for its *Canada Premiere*!
October 30-31: No One Is Coming screened at Frightening Ass Film Festival! The film plays during SHOCKING ASS SHORTS VOLUME II film block.
November 1: No One Is Coming screened at Panic Fest Presents Tricks & Treats! The film screens at 12:30PM during Short Film Block #3!
November 6, 7, & 8: No One Is Coming screened at the prestigious Morbido Fest! The short will be available to watch in Mexico on Morbido Tv! NOIC screens at 9pm on the 6th, 2am on the 7th, and 8pm on the 8th!
November 13: No One Is Coming screened at Dead And SudBuried Reborn: Horrorthon at Home!
December 7: No One Is Coming screens at Monster Fest during Shorts Program 1! This will be our *Australia Premiere*!
February 20: No One Is Coming will be screening at Bloody Flicks Awards Virtual Event!
April 8-18: No One Is Coming screened at Panic Fest's live event and the Virtual Event! The short screened theatrically April 8th at 7:00 PM! NOIC also played during Short Film Showcase Block 5!
June 24-29: No One Is Coming will screen virtually at Chattanooga Film Festival during shorts block BLOODBATHS AND BEYOND!
June 26: No One Is Coming's *Texas Premiere* was held at Houston Horror Film Fest! The short screened at 2:35pm at Screening Room #2! Also the short was nominated for Best Cinematography!
July 23: No One Is Coming screens at Deep in the Heart Film Festival! The short will be screened at 8:00pm during the Friday Night Horror (Shorts Block)!
July 25: No One Is Coming won Best Horror Short at Deep in the Heart Film Festival!
Spring 2021: No One Is Coming screens at Wreak Havoc Horror Film Festival!
September 4: No One Is Coming had its *Virginia PREMIERE* at GenreBlast Film Fest! The short screened at 6:50pm - SHORTS BLAST #5 - THE BEST LITTLE HORROR HOUSE IN VIRGINIA and went on to win Best Horror/ Thriller Short Film!
October 2nd: No One Is Coming will be screening at S.O.S. Indie Horror Film Fest which will be our Ohio Premiere!
October 30th: No One Is Coming will be screening at FilmQuest at 5pm during "It's Only Funny If It Scares You" - Horror & Horror Comedy Shorts Block #3!
April 21st: No One Is Coming will be screening at Cabane A Sang!
May 13th: No One Is Coming will be screening at AtomaCon Short Film Festival!
Awards & Accolades
Best Horror Short
Deep in the Heart Film Festival
Best Horror/Thriller
GenreBlast Film Festival
Best Filmmaker Duo
Atlanta Horror Film Festival
Best Short Film
AtomaCon Short Film Festival
Best Poster
Terror In The Bay Film Festival
Best Cinematography
Houston Horror Film Festival
Best Texas Short
Deep in the Heart Film Festival
Best Poster
GenreBlast Film Festival
Best Cinematography
GenreBlast Film Festival
Best Horror/Thriller Short
GenreBlast Film Festival
Best Horror Short
AtomaCon Short Film Festival
"The Barber Brothers sure know how to build some chills! This is the very definition of a spooky story to tell around a campfire!" -Miguel Rodriguez (Director of Horrible Imaginings Film Festival)
"The direction is solid, the camerawork and framing are both fluid and excellent. Mood and atmosphere are very Autumn-ish and Halloween, and the buildup is all well crafted!" -Jay Kay (Programmer at Horrible Imaginings Film Festival)
Morbidly Beautiful (Review) - https://morbidlybeautiful.com/panic-fest-horror-shorts-3/
Beats, Boxing & Mayhem (Review) - https://beatsboxingmayhem.com/2020/10/19/atl-horror-film-festival-2020-day-4-recap-creep-outs-final-girls-and-macabre-comedy/?fbclid=IwAR0_vvy2u65Dgg5WeslHjy0UVB_o6eDx82NuaflwEjjmgO2I1sfpfxzK0sU
Horror News Net (Review) - https://horrornews.net/167542/film-review-no-one-is-coming-short-film-2020/
Films Gone Wild (Review) - https://filmsgonewild.com/the-2021-deep-in-the-heart-ffs-horror-shorts-program-delivered-the-scares-the-dread-and-some-fresh-talent/
Dread Central - https://www.dreadcentral.com/news/334904/popcorn-frights-will-world-premiere-caroline-williams-retro-vampire-horror-ten-minutes-to-midnight/
Horror Fix - https://www.horror-fix.com/ten-minutes-to-midnight-will-world-premiere-at-popcorn-frights/?feed_id=12436&_unique_id=5f21af9e7d72c
Daily Dead - https://dailydead.com/popcorn-frights-drive-in-horrorshow-to-conclude-summer-screening-series-with-double-feature-of-ten-minutes-to-midnight-and-random-acts-of-violence/
Promote Horror - http://promotehorror.com/2020/07/30/ten-minutes-to-midnight-will-world-premiere-at-popcorn-frights/
